OShould Women Rule the World?

Oby Gwenneth Morgan

Some who read my History of the World came to the conclusion that I must think the world would be a better place if women were in charge. This is not the case. Women already had their chance, they got to go first.

Of course, women as leaders was a natural choice for early Man. Men probably watched in amazement as women gave birth to new humans. The natural reaction would be for them to want to help, so they looked to women for direction. Women also had less dangerous responsibilities and were far more likely to live longer, thereby becoming very wise. When there was a problem or a question, the obvious thing to do was ask the advice of the person with the most experience.

But, it could not have been a perfect society by any means. If it served the needs of everyone, it would still be in existance today. At least one group was so disatisfied with the way the world worked back then, that they went to great lengths, not just to revolt against, but to totally eradicate it's existance.

So what's the answer? Balance.

As with all things, balance is required. Look at the Universe, it's made up of all kinds of delicate balances. Life on this plant only exists because of the right set of circumstances, the proper balance. Remove any one part of this balancing act, such as the trees, and everything will fall apart.

So it is with the organization of large groups of people. The most successful organizations are those where everyone gets what they need out of it. Some want to lead, others want to follow. Some want to get their hands dirty while others prefer the clean environment of an office. It is the cooperative effort of all that gets things done and it's the appreciation of this cooperative effort that helps people feel useful and fulfilled.

We can see it in business, why not in government?

I think the wisest president would be one who could run the country like they would a large profitable business. Let's think about that.

A large business has many groups and needs to consider. They have to think about customers, suppliers, vendors, employees and investors. Most importantly, they have to maintain livable working conditions for employees while satisfying their investors. Any company that offers only sub-standard working conditions won't be able to keep employees for long, which means they will most likely put out a lesser quality product than a company who's employees like their jobs and stay at them long enough to become very good at them.

Investors must be satisfied too. Otherwise, working capital is reduced and instead of growing, the company begins to decline.

A big company must also pay careful attention to how it is perceived in the world around them. An integrous, respectful reputation is a major asset when it comes to doing business with customers and other businesses.

Again, it's a matter of balance.

In America, we cannot have a government that addresses the needs of only certain groups, any groups. Everyone has to be taken into consideration if our country is to work as it was meant to.

Wealthy conservatives might read this statement and think, "Oh yeah, she'd probably give everything we have to poor people and then where would WE be?!" It's not true. When I say every group needs to be taken into consideration, I mean EVERY group! It's the only way to move forward in a way that will satisfy the most people. But of course, there must be room for compromise and cooperation on the part of all involved, too.

Balance in relation to the World

While we're at it, let's look at this thing on a global scale. Can you imagine what a "company" we could build if it encompassed the whole world? There isn't anything we couldn't do. We could end wars and world hunger. We could work together to restore the messes we've made around the planet. And when some kind of natural disaster strikes, we could all pitch in with resources to ease the suffering as quickly as possible.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks to this kind of aspiration is the diversity of Man. With so many styles of government and religous belief systems, it would be hopeless to try to get everyone to agree on anything.

To this I say, "Poppycock!" Granted you're not going to get the world to agree on one belief system, but if you look at the various systems that we have, you'll find that they have much in common. For example, most every religious group agrees that murder is wrong (Holy Wars not withstanding,) stealing is wrong, hurting others is wrong, etc. These common beliefs can serve as a foundation upon which we can build community.

The biggest arguement that I've heard here in America to a global community is, "Who's gonna pay for it?" Of course, the thinking here is that America, being the richest country in the world, would pretty much have to foot the bill to help other parts of the world achieve a reasonable standard of living. This is one train of thought that needs to be derailed. It shows a self-centeredness that is almost unique to America. We aren't the only country with resources and I'm sure there are other countries with a stronger desire to improve the world instead of simply keeping a strict eye on their assets. It can't be a one country show or we haven't achieveed balance.

Hello?! Every Human life is worth more than money!

How can anyone smugly enjoy the riches of the good life without feeling any compassion for those who are less fortunate? When I say less fortunate, I don't mean people who didn't rise to meet opportunity when it knocked on their door. I mean people who've never even seen opportunity, never had a chance at anything more than poverty, abuse and degradation. And, I'm not talking about America falling into poverty as a result of their efforts to help others either. Balance is possible, but we won't achieve it if we're not looking for it.
