I am Gwenneth Morgan; a 40ish, Pagan single mother and businesswoman who is totally fed up with the Old Way. With the belief that humans have evolved to a point where we can, as a group, embrace the Light, I am finding the courage to come forward to share my views and encourage everyone else to do the same.

My personal philosophy has evolved over many years and included lots of research. Most of that research is of the personal discovery variety.

At six year old, I was confronted with my first philosophical questions as my family converted from Christianity to Judism. By the time I turned thirteen I had started calling myself an athiest and even had a Bible pusher say that he would stand against me at the gates of Heaven to insure that I was condemned to an eternity of Hell for simply questioning the existence of God.

In college I studied religion and philosphy in an effort to find a group in which I belonged. I've travelled extensively and talked to a wide variety of people about Life, the Universe and Everything. I still haven't found a group in which I really belong.

To explain my full philosophy here would pretty much alleviate the need for much of the rest of the site and it would be a very long page! To learn more about my beliefs, please view my Writings which will be the foundation of my first book..


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