OAre You Really Ready for Peace?

Oby Gwenneth Morgan

Peace. We all want it, regardless of where we live, our ethnic background, or our religious beliefs.

What is Peace? It's more than simply freedom from war. One cannot feel at peace if one cannot feed one's family. One cannot be peaceful if one doesn't feel comfortable or accepted in one's home or community. Peace is a sense of well being that is largely unknown to whole segments of our human population.

For centuries we have had only isolated occurrences of peace on a grand scale. Some countries will enjoy freedom from war while others fight it out, but even in those peaceful countries, there are most often portions of the population who are disatisfied with circumstances and/or policies. Dissatisfactions grow to point where fighting ensues, just as other countries are finally ready to work toward peace. Clearly, the effort to come up with one solution, one system, one belief system causes dissent and dissatisfaction somewhere along the line.

In order to achieve world peace we, as a species, must start to do things differently. We must view ourselves and our fellow men as cherished family and accept our differences, not as good or bad, but simply different. We must trust in each other and allow each of us to live in a way that resonates with us, without harming anyone else.

I believe the roots of the problem lay in a seemingly natural human desire to discover the best approach to life and then spread that information to others as The Solution to living life correctly. This apparently inherent desire immediately negates the value, learning and abilities of others. To set one's self (or government or belief system) as The Way indirectly criticizes and condemns others' search for truth and understanding. It implies that one is more informed or "better" than others and those others need to be educated. It displays a decided lack of trust in beings created by the same creator as you.

If we are all made from the same source, then each of us has the ability to find and interpret God in their own way just as people have from the beginning of time. If we are, for the most part, good people who really just want what everyone else wants, we can understand each other and trust that we do our best in our own ways. If we can look upon each other as brothers and sisters, just as we would our own dear, blood-related brothers and sisters, we would release judgement and work toward harmonious cooperation. If we can change our perception of ourselves and our fellow man, peace is indeed possible.

While reading that last paragraph, did you think I am naive to assume people are good? If so, you have just experienced first hand the barrier between people. I don't care who you are, there is no way you've met the majority of people that exist today. You can't possibly know whether most people are good or bad. Even some of the people you might have labelled as bad could really be good, but you just happened to meet them at a bad time. When you really get to know just about anyone, you will almost always find they feel the same emotions as you, they have the same desires as you and they have many of the same stresses in their lives as you.

If you believe that most people are really not good, then you have adopted a negative perception that most likely effects your life every day. You have made an assumption that can't possibly be proved and you have limited yourself to dealing with endarkened people because that is what you expect.

The Law of Attraction is no longer just a theory. More and more people are proving it every day. And it's not just the "New Age Flake" that lives down the street, there are many well respected and well educated people out there spreading the word as far and wide as they can, because it is true. If you focus on what's wrong with people, it will be harder, or even impossible to see their good. You, not they, will be subjugating yourself to a lifetime of strife and stress unless you are able to reprogram this negative and limiting perception.

And so it is with every other limiting belief. You are limited only by yourself and your own mind. If you believe that peace is really impossible, guess what? You will not be able to experience peace, even amid a peaceful society!

If you are thinking, "I want peace. And we'll have it just as soon as everybody..." then you are not aligned with peace. This kind of statement is a very clear indicator that you are more interested in controlling others than true peace. True peace allows for everyone's truth. True peace means everyone is entitled to feel it, not just those who "know the correct answer" because there is no "correct answer." Everyone must find answers for themselves. Most of us are still searching and in many cases, those who are not searching have not found the answers within themselves, but have accepted someone else's truth as their own, most often out of fear.

Many people will jump up with objections at these kinds of thoughts. "What about murderers?" they say, "should we just allow them to go around killing people as their expression of their truth?" Of course not. Anyone that would willingly kill another is so totally disconnected with the Light that they probably have no interest in truth or peace. The numbers of murderers out there is quite small in relation to the entire population
