De-personifying God by Gwenneth Morgan

Is God really a he? An old man with a flowing beard who expects us to pay homage to HIM?

Is God a she? A loving maternal figure who only wants the best for her children?

Why must humans think of God in terms of a person?

To me, it is all very simple. I look at it like this:

You could sew all the pieces of a human body together, but you would not have a human being. The essence of a person is not the body they inhabit, but the energy that animates that body.

As far as God is concerned, many different bodies will do. The same essence that runs through people also runs through animals. They think and feel in their own ways. Their true essence is the same kind of energy that animates their bodies.

So, the face of God, is not actually human. The essence of God is the energy that inhabits a variety of bodies.

Why is this important?

Who is more powerful? Someone who relies on themself for strength, support and the manifestation of their goals, or someone who waits and expects someone else to take care of them and provide what they need?

I suggest that the personification of God alone has actually limited, perhaps even crippled, the human race for thousands of years.

In order to move forward as a species, we must de-personify God. We must recognize God for what it truly is, a highly creative energy force, and take responsibility for our lives. We must acknowledge our own power and our duty to use it wisely to create the most fair and balanced society possible.